Information Security Architect
02:16 26 January
in Jobs
Job Duties:
Plan, analyze, architect, develop, create, an d use Identity & Access
Management including authentic ation, authorization, user/ account
management, provisioning, and access certification. Plan, an alyze, architect,
design, develop, implement, an d use Security Architecture in cluding SDLC
integration, security engineer ing, future state alignment, a nd enterprise
security architecture. Use SS O, Java, Servlet, Spring, Splu nk,
OpenDJ/AM/IDM, WebServer, Clus tering, Oracle Databases, OAut h 2.0 and
SAML Maintain ISO 27001/27002 and NIST Cybersecurity Framewo rk.
Keep abreast of and develop IS policies, standards, and cont rol procedures.
Work on projects and drive rem ediation tasks. May require tr avel to
unanticipated locations.
Requirements: Require Bache lor of Science in CS, C/MIS, I SS, Hardware Engineering,
Electrical/Electronic Engineer ing, or related field and 2 ye ars’ experience in
the job offered, software engi neer/developer, security/IAM a rchitect,
consultant/analyst, or related field.
$76,835.00 per year
Please mail your resume to info@nxttechnologies.com
Please apply to:
Next Technologies LLC, 8120 Penn Avenue S, Suite 100-D, Bloomington,
MN 55431
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